Working from home has brought with it so many benefits – no more commute, more time with family, and even more flexibility. However, with these benefits come a number of considerations with regard to mental health. Anxiety, depression, loneliness, and boredom can all have a massive effect on our mental health so how can we reduce the risk and keep a happy healthy mind whilst being at home?

Set a routine
Having a set routine is absolutely imperative to keep you motivated and focused. Of course, curveballs and unexpected tasks are extremely likely to land in your inbox, so having some amount of flexibility is important. However, knowing that you have a structure and set daily, or even weekly tasks, will help to keep your mind active and on-task. Not only this but taking regular breaks and even introducing a daily walk can really make a difference to your work/life balance, allowing you to think and get your creative juices flowing!

Have solid boundaries
When working from home, it can be tempting to work hours that you wouldn’t ordinarily work whilst at the office. With your laptop and emails being so accessible, before you know it, you’re replying to a client when you should be relaxing or enjoying time with your family. It’s so easy to do this, however, it can really impact your mental health and can lead to you feeling that you’re overworked and underappreciated. Try to limit your work during working hours, do turn in your laptop and emails, and if you’re on leave, make sure you redirect any correspondence to another team member. Having these solid boundaries in place really can make the whole working from home life so much easier and clearer. 

Stay connected
Our world has been turned upside down since the pandemic hit in 2020. We’ve been thrust into the unknown, and many of us really saw the workplace as a place to socialize and to have fun with each other. It can be lonely working from home and some days may go by for some of us where we don’t speak to our fellow team members. It’s so important to stay connected with your team – this can be through video calls, emails, or even WhatsApp or Slack. Having that opportunity to chat about both work and life really can keep loneliness and frustration at bay. If you ever feel alone, please don’t hesitate to reach out to others – they’ll be more than happy to have a chat with you.

Create a dedicated workspace
Having a dedicated area to work will ensure that you’re focussed on the task ahead, rather than being distracted by all other house tasks that may need tackling, like the washing up or hoovering. Working from home can feel overwhelming at times and there’s a risk that we may f

Take plenty of breaks throughout the day
If you’re busy and there are heaps to get done, you may scoff at this point! However, taking regular, short breaks actually increases productivity and restores energy levels. This means that you should make time to have your lunch, away from your screen. You could take a walk, go outside to eat, or even go for a run or bike ride. You should also try to take a few short breaks throughout the day – just 5 or 10 minutes to make a coffee or step outside in your garden. Keeping your body moving encourages the endorphins which is the chemical created when we feel good.

You may be doing this for a while
You may be working from home for a little while longer yet – your workplace may have even adopted a hybrid model of working whereby you’re able to work from both home and the office. When working at home, do you have the space to set up a small office? Is there a particular room which lets in more light and is, therefore, more suitable for work? Is there any software or courses out there which may make your work even better? Communicate with your workplace and they’ll be sure to assist in any way they possibly can.

Be kind to yourself
This is a very unique period for us all and it has taken a great deal of compromise and adjustment. Remember, be kind to yourself, reward yourself, and if you do feel that you’re being slightly less productive than you normally would be, be realistic and reasonable in your expectations. When you make peace with this and relax, it’s highly likely that your work will flow and you’ll be even more productive than ever!