Being a successful business owner is not easy, especially when you want to increase your contacts number. That is why Networking is considered a skill, which helps meeting people and to create those connections that will generate revenue. Introbiz has provided few tips on how to become a master at it!

  • Meet people through other people 

The best and easiest way to meet people is through referrals. Stick with the people you already know because they’ll know, like, and trust you and are more likely to refer you. You’ll likely receive a warm welcome and introduction to the person you wanted an introduction with. You could also use LinkedIn’s online introduction tool to expand your network. 

  • Leverage social media 

Social media is an effective way to connect and without the pressure of a face-to-face meeting. Try commenting on a relevant link or post or you could even start a conversation with them and offer them value in return. When the opportunity comes to meet them in person, you’ll find it easier to start a conversation as you have a common ground. 

  • Let the other person speak

The key to being a good conversationalist is being a good listener. If you have asked another person for their advice or opinion, let them answer your question! If you do all the talking, your connection may feel that you are uninterested in what they have to say which isn’t a great impression to leave. If you’re unsure about what questions to ask, here are some examples: 

  • How long have you been with the company/field? 
  • What do you like or dislike about your job? 
  • What type of training did you need for this position? 
  • What is the culture of this company? 
  • Ask for suggestions on how to expand your network 

Each separate person you meet will know approximately another 200 people and if you can gain introductions to some of these contacts, you will quickly expand your network. Don’t be afraid to ask your contacts if they can recommend a professional organization or the names of some people of the people you should be talking to. 

  • Find a reason to follow up

We know – we’re constantly preaching about the importance of follow-up. If you want to establish rapport with another person, you can create a reason to keep the relationship going. Try to find at least two or three opportunities on a yearly basis, to reconnect with the members of your network.

  • Say thank you 

It may seem like a very obvious point, but saying thank you goes a long way. Building a network is all about creating a genuine, caring relationship. Take the time to thank your connection for the information they have provided and keep notes so you can keep in touch with them.