I always say to young people when they say they are not sure what job they want when they leave university. I then go on to ask the 1 question that gets their curiosity going. What is your passion? What do you love? If you work on a passion project, you are more likely to succeed and you will never work another day in your life if you do what you love.

What is my passion? Well, those that know me know that I love people, well nice people to be honest. I love connecting people which is why I set up Introbiz. I was rubbish at networking when I first started and having learnt the hard way and trying to give it the “hard sell” when I first started, getting no business and then learning that networking was all about long-lasting relationships, I became good at monetising my connections and closed lots of sales by connecting to more people.

I attended the members only event at Home Grown in London last night and made some fabulous new connections and met up with a few people who I already knew, some fabulous opportunities to now follow up on, exciting times.

Now I am passionate about teaching others how to monetise and build their network.

Finding it hard to monetise? Want to network effectively and more successfully, book a call with me below and let’s see how I can help you, I’m here to serve educate and connect.
