M4 Media & Training will be hosting a FREE Seminar on Thursday 13th September at the Cardiff City Stadium – 11am to 1pm


All workshops and seminars are endorsed by the Institute of Sales Management.


The seminar will cover some of the key points when putting together a marketing plan that is fully aligned to the business development strategy.


Learn from examples of when market research was used to underpin a business development strategy and the results that followed.


Also included are real life case studies with examples of previous successful PR Campaigns, great use of content and design for Out of Home Media and slides showing data and insights that drive future digital strategy.


In the age of digital, the opportunity to reach mass audiences and new markets is real but the content and messaging must be right. The old cliché that “Content is King”, is more important than ever to differentiate in a red ocean economy.


A pocket book reference to marketing includes a snapshot insight into the following marketing areas:


  1. Understanding your audience, where are they and how do you reach them?
  2. The importance of research, data and insight.
  3. Power of the brand & creative content
  4. PR – Developing strategy & content
  5. Media & Planning


There are limited places for this seminar, but you can reserve your FREE place today by completing your online registration.