Networking is often surrounded by apprehension and begins as a daunting process for many. Standing in the corner with a colleague and a cup of coffee is an anecdote that anyone who has attended a networking event can tell you. Though for most, this is quickly overcome after a few awkward interactions and getting used to the environment. For some, the anxiety and embarrassment of it can all too easily become overwhelming, and an experience that starts to be dreaded and actively avoided. This, however, as any successful businessperson will tell you, can prevent you and your business from reaching its true potential. After all, as the saying goes, your ‘network is your net worth’.
Confidence is often perceived as a personality trait, but here at Introbiz we believe that it is more of a perspective. Changing how you look at a situation can quickly change your attitude towards it. For instance, look at a networking pitch as your duty to share knowledge which others are yet to learn. Tracey believes that “One of the best ways to advance is to give. This is doubly powerful when the giving you engage in is directly related”. Changing how you approach networking is one of a few strategies that Introbiz believes can make you a master networker.
Introbiz also believe that efforts to build rapport can drastically change your experience of networking. Once a common ground is established between you and a potential client or respective networker, the conversation will become easier and a relationship between you and them will be established. Having that relationship established first, means that pitching your business confidently is a far easier task.

Enthusiasm is also key in developing confidence pitching and networking. If you are excited by your work, it is easier to start a discussion with people and create and develop your network. Confidence will beam from a person eager about their subject and expertise and draw in those who have similar or related interests.
A passionate person is also a memorable person and, in many ways, it can elevate your aura to create and attract positive attitudes. Once you develop a passion for your business “You become the key person of influence in your field and how much more powerful is it if people come to you, rather than one of your competitors” as Tracey recently discussed on her LinkedIn page.
These changes and strategies to approach networking can U-turn your experience of networking. Confidence and enthusiasm benefit yours and any potential connections experiences networking in a multi-faceted way. It will improve personal and professional credibility, promote you to potential connections as impassioned and therefore worthy of business, but most importantly, these strategies have the benefit of empowering you and your work.

Networking is about symbiotic relationships that have a win-win outcome. Creating these relationships and becoming a networking extrovert is a process; the more you invest and actively work to improve in your networking confidence, the more opportunities you will create to make connections and therefore, the more you will win and gain good business relationships from it.
To book on to your next event and put these strategies into practice, please click here. Alternatively, scroll our events page to find targeted workshops such as the Confident Communicator Masterclass to improve your networking skills.
Written by Lucy Beetson