The current pandemic has forced many small businesses to focus on business survival above anything else. Wellbeing may not seem like an important topic at the moment but being actively engaged in improving the health and wellbeing of your staff can help you build a strong, resilient workforce ready to face the challenges of the current climate.
Physical activity, exercise and movement are vital elements of workplace wellbeing
Research from Sport England has shown 62% of adults currently consider exercise to be more important than ever and 65% of people believe exercise is helping with their mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Individuals who sit less and move more live longer, healthier life
Taking steps to include daily physical activity and movement while reducing the sitting time of yourself and your employees contributes to a longer healthier life.
Focusing on an employee health and wellbeing creates an attractive workplace culture.
Developing a wellness-based culture doesn’t need to be complex and expensive. Simple solutions to encourage healthy behaviours such as boosting activity levels can positively impact on how your current and fitter employees perceive your organisation.
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has left a deep and lasting impact on the mental health of millions in our country. Research from Mind revealed more than half of adults and over two thirds of young people said their mental health deteriorated during lockdown.
As we head into an uncertain winter which sees the resumption of working from home for some and restriction on socialising for many across the country, finding simple ways to manage your mental health and that of your colleagues, friends and employees is vital.