This week’s FeatureTuesday is based on the wonderfully exciting PAB events. PAB Events was created by Paula Burns over 13 years ago. The company is all about creating events that encourages people to incorporate their unique personality into their celebrations or businesses for maximum results.

There are 2 specific sides to the business; weddings and special celebrations and fabtastic shopping events’ training and support for independent traders. Weddings and celebrations provide complete planning and/or venue styling and we are always looking for venues to team up with to provide that special unique service and look.

Over the coming months, there’ll be a big focus on Fabtastic Shopping as they have regular events with opportunities for independent traders to promote and sell their services in Cardiff, Newport and Gloucester. With Christmas just around the corner, this is the are perfect opportunity to be seen, to build customer relationships and increase those sales!

PAB Events’ brand-new website provides information on training and support for traders specifically relating to how they show up at events and how they can monetize their marketing efforts to the max.

Paula Burns is also available for speaking engagements with her signature talk: How to Monetize Your Marketing at Events.

If you would like to know more about Fabtastic Shopping opportunities & training or details of how they can help with your special event, email [email protected].

You can find out more about PAB Events by visiting their website here