Louise Evans – Personal Fitness Trainer

My name is Louise, and I am a Wealth and Wellness Coach. What is a Wealth and Wellness Coach I hear you ask? Well, I believe health is wealth, and the concepts that underpin the creation of both are actually one and the same. The exact same system that can be used to produce wealth in all its forms in your life, can also be used to create ultimate and abundant health! We all have enormous potential locked up inside of us, just waiting to be activated and allowed to be expressed!

I am passionate about sharing ways in which we can create more, with less effort, cultivating a sense of ease and flow in our lives. As we let go of the belief that we have to continuously strive and work harder in order to reach our goals, we can tap into and ease through a source of energy that far outweighs anything we have experienced before. Using time tested, science-driven system that has been 60 years in the making, I teach people how to uncover their dormant mental faculties, and connect with their sense of intuition in order that they are guided directly to those activities that will exponentially increase their productivity and effectiveness, without the requirement to work longer or harder!