Meet the Team.

James Daniell


In 2022 James took a leap of faith, leaving the world of high-end hospitality behind to co-found Introbiz Bristol with his long-time friend, Darrell. James has over 20 years of experience across the charity sector as well as the private sector, and all the people and opportunities he’s encountered along the way have shaped him into the natural networker that he is today. 

James is a family man at heart, who hails from a farming background. He now lives back on the family farm along with his wife and three (soon to be be four) boys, having spent a lot of time in the big city of Bristol among its diverse and multicultural community. 

A big foodie, James can often be found at all the up and coming food and drink vendors, exploring new tastes and supporting start-ups wherever he can; he really enjoys the thrill of discovering places off the beaten track. 

James has a natural talent for encouraging people, developing relationships, and connecting individuals to others who can build and equip them too. To James, people are at the centre of every enterprise, community, and business, and therefore taking care of them is what James views as being the main priority in every area of life. 

“If you take care of your people, your people will take care of your customers, and your business will take care of itself.”

J.W. Marriott.

Darrell Irwin


In 2001 Darrell made the decision to stop working on brands that would send people to an early grave. He made a choice to help companies who had a more purposeful message to experience great success.

Businesses looking to thrive don’t always make a link between profitability and purpose. Darrell did though. He founded a brand marketing agency called Cre8ion, co-founded a software company called Di9ital and a personal development movement called HUM4NS. Now Darrell is giving business owners, entrepreneurs and leaders the tools to thrive.

Recently, he wrote a chapter on game changing brands in the no.1 Amazon Best Seller ‘Play The Game ’ and his own book, ‘The Crisis Catalyst’, has recently launched.

He continues to inspire people with great success in his purpose led Facebook Group, Purpose People. Darrell will soon launch the platform ‘Purpose People’ for those who are looking for more insights and inspiration.

When you put cause before cash and impact above income, your business will transform from being one in the crowd to changing the entire industry within which it resides. 20 years on, Darrell’s life has transformed from being full of selfish pursuits to being a whole lot more selfless. He now helps others to step into their purpose! Winning awards for creative campaigns will get you attention, but building purpose-led businesses will spark a revolution.

To quote a famous poet – Robert Frost

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less travelled by, And that has made all the difference.”