Business Seminars
At the Introbiz Expo 2021, you can expect all sorts of seminars, focussing on a wide range of business-related themes and topics. You can see the topics mentioned for 2019 below. Seminars are completely free to attend – all you need to do is register via the link below.
Cre8ion hosts Purpose Driven Business
Learn how to discover who you really are, who your who is and how to connect the two. We have proven that if you tell the right story you will get the right enquiry. We do this by building brands with purpose that empower people to create a better planet.
There are huge benefits of hosting a seminar at Introbiz Expo 2021 for businesses and entrepreneurs. You will be able to promote your business to the local Welsh community and present your business as an expert in your field. Those hosting seminars will have:
- 45-minute seminar slot (digital screen and mic included)
- Advertised in the media handbook (100,000 views on our website)
- Half page space in the Expo magazine (7,000 copies printed)
- Promotion across our social media platforms
- Great way to educate, share and promote your business
- Your company logo will feature on the seminar boards outside the zone
- There’ll be pictures of your seminar on the gallery
- Your company will be featured on our weekly campaign emails
Seminar slots are available to book now for £1,500 each. You can book yours by calling the Introbiz team on 02920 291002 or email [email protected]. We also offer an ‘Introbiz Bundle Package‘ where businesses can exhibit, host a seminar and a full-page advert in our Expo guide for just £2699. Visit our expo sponsorship opportunities page for more information.
Be part of a growing community.

Be part of a growing community.