Here are some of Introbiz tips to help you become less of an introvert and better at networking.

• Remember we are all human beings first and foremost so be kind to everyone and treat everyone how they wish to be treated and how you would wish to be treated.

• Sometimes we all have to get out of our comfort zone so you have to accept being uncomfortable.

• Find yourself a networking buddy to go to a networking event with to build your confidence with someone that you know

• Be positive and think of the things that you can add value to other people’s lives and businesses.

• Think of it as it is your duty to share your knowledge, values and how to you can help solve people’s problems.

• Repeat and network regularly, the more you do it the better it becomes and the more confidence you will become.

• Prepare your pitch, message and what it is that you do before you attend as if you don’t prepare that, it will be more daunting for you.

• Smile at new people as that gives off good endorphines and will attract others that will smile back at you. A smile is so powerful.

• Be passionate about what it is that you do and speak with intention.

• Have a growth mindset and realise that you will improve and grow in confidence.

• Know that you are great at listening as introverts usually are, as they don’t want to be the centre of attention. Listening is a fantastic skill set to find new opportunities.

• Be brave and keep going